August 19, 2018 · 4 minuutin lukuaika
· Tags:
, Korg
, Logic Pro X
, Mac
, minilogue
, recording
, synth
, synthesizer
In 2016, KORG introduced the minilogue polyphonic analogue synthesizer, and it has been a huge hit, followed closely by the cheaper monophonic monologue. (Note: from now on, I’ll be writing Minilogue with a capital M for better readability.) The Minilogue has real analogue oscillators but many other features are controlled digitally. Since it is a modern synth, you can connect it to a computer (Mac or PC) with USB (even though traditional 5-pin MIDI connections are still available), and you can use software utilities like the KORG Minilogue Librarian to transfer patches over.
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August 5, 2018 · 7 minuutin lukuaika
· Tags:
, apple
, apps
, appstore
, audiounit
, indie
, ios
, ipad
, mac
, macappstore
, macos
, music
It seems Apple is removing iOS and macOS apps from its App Store affiliate program. On 2nd August, 2018 the company’s Affiliate Program Manager sent the following e-mail to the members of its affiliate program:
Thank you for participating in the affiliate program for apps. With the launch of the new App Store on both iOS and macOS and their increased methods of app discovery, we will be removing apps from the affiliate program.
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En pyri mitenkään salaamaan sitä mielipidettäni, että Mac-tietokone on musiikin tekemiseen helppokäyttöisempi vaihtoehto kuin Windows-PC tai varsinkaan Linux-mylly. Niinpä pohdinta Konesoitossa keskittyykin lähinnä siihen millä ohjelmalla musiikin tekeminen Macillä sujuisi parhaiten.
Mac-tietokoneiden OS X -käyttöjärjestelmälle on lukuisia musiikkiohjelmia: Applen omaa tuotantoa olevat GarageBand ja Logic Pro X, Steinbergin Cubase ja sen monet eri laajuiset versiot, Ableton Live, Avid Pro Tools, Bitwig Studio, Propellerheads Reason, Tracktion, Reaper, MOTU Digital Performer, PreSonus Studio One… onpa jopa FL Studiosta ilmeisesti tulossa Mac-versio piakkoin.
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